Getting Back to Basics?: Renewing the Mandate of the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate for 2014-2016
Author : Alistair Millar and Naureen Chowdhury Fink
Date : November 2013
The policy brief discusses the role of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate (CTED) and the opportunities presented by the renewal of its mandate before the end of this year to further strengthen and clarify its role in the multilateral counterterrorism framework. It explores recent changes in the multilateral counterterrorism architecture, including the establishment of new entities within and outside the United Nations with a focus on countering terrorism and violent extremism.
The brief offers three key recommendations to 1) enhance CTED’s mandate and capacities to offer an analysis of counterterrorism capacity-building gaps; 2) develop regional or thematic action plans that reflect the transnational nature of contemporary terrorism and can form the basis of more contextually targeted interventions; and 3) develop closer collaboration with key UN partners to deliver a more integrated UN response to terrorism and violent extremism.
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