We monitor the design and implementation of security policy, working to ensure that human rights and civil society are at the core.
Our work is directly informed by the insights and experiences of our partners in the communities and regions where we work. In this sense, we serve as a bridge policy and practice, helping ensure that conflict prevention efforts are inclusive and evidence-based.

Our Method
The Global Center has long led the charge in facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogues and convening partners to create space for civil society actors in counter-terrorism discourse at the United Nations. This includes fostering communication and coordination between civil society and member states. We ensure impacted communities have a “seat at the table” around decision making and norms setting, and that policy is accessible and easily understood. We also hold decisionmakers accountable for their commitments.
At the technical level, we monitor the passage and implementation of global security policy, spotlighting best practices and raising awareness of gaps. We contribute to the development of national and regional security strategies that are in line with international human rights standards and norms. Our support has yielded institutional reforms to bolster accountability, transparency, and respect for human rights within justice and security sectors.
Blue Sky V: Summary Findings and Recommendations for the Implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy
In the lead up to the 2020 Virtual UN Counter-Terrorism Week, the Global Center launched the summary findings and key recommendations of the fifth iteration of its Blue Sky report series. The key recommendations of the report suggest concrete ways the United Nations can better leverage its comparative advantages to improve policy development, inter-agency coordination, delivery, and impact of counterterrorism and preventing violent extremism efforts in a manner that systemically accounts for human rights and civil society engagement.

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