Todd Harland

Todd Harland is a Senior Fellow for the Global Center, working on the Global Center’s anti–money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) programming. His career spans across multiple areas, including AML/CFT compliance, capacity building and training, law enforcement, intelligence, counterterrorism, and foreign government assistance. A graduate of the Queensland Police Academy in Australia, he served with distinction for 15 years before fulfilling various counterterrorism roles with the Australian Government. Among them, he oversaw counterterrorism security networks for Australian airlines, airports, and seaports before moving to the Australian financial intelligence unit (AUSTRAC), where he managed organized crime intelligence operations across the country as Manager of the Tactical Analysis and Support Team. In addition to Australian-based compliance work, Todd has provided AML/CFT technical assistance and training throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Eastern and Southern Africa for the past four years in his role as Chief Executive Officer of AML Solutions International.

Willibroad Dze-Ngwa is a Senior Fellow for the Global Center and an associate professor at the University of Yaoundé I in Cameroon. He is the founding President of the Heritage Higher Institute of Peace and Development Studies, and the Vice President for African Affairs in the Peace and Security Department of the Civic Commission for Africa. He is also the founding Executive Director of the African Network against Illiteracy, Conflicts and Human Rights Abuses, whose work enables vulnerable underprivileged children, women and ethnic minorities in areas of conflict to realize increased access to education, healthcare, and sustainable growth.

Gavin Durbin is a Senior Fellow for the Global Center, working on the Global Center’s anti–money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) programming. He has 14 years of experience in senior roles in the field of financial intelligence and AML/CFT. At the Australian financial intelligence unit (AUSTRAC), he developed law enforcement and intelligence agencies’ capacities on the operations and ML/TF vulnerabilities for money value transfer operators, and was in charge of outreach to Australia’s 15,000 reporting entities and the implementation of Australia’s 2006 AML/CFT Act. In 2009, he was appointed Senior Manager of AUSTRAC’s International Technical Assistance and Training team, which collaborates with bodies such as the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti Money Laundering Group, the East African Community, and the United Nations to provide technical assistance on topics such as the Financial Action Task Force’s risk based approach, anti-corruption and asset seizure, and the operational development of financial intelligence units. Since leaving AUSTRAC, Gavin has continued providing capacity building support in sub-Saharan Africa, Central America, and the Middle-East as Executive Director of AML Solutions International.

Christopher Dean is a Senior Fellow for the Global Center, a chartered and registered forensic psychologist, and director of Identify Psychological Services Ltd., providing specialist psychological services to counter violent extremism. From 2008 to 2015, he was a member and then head of a specialist team in the Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service of England and Wales, which has pioneered the development of innovative, evidence-based assessments and interventions to counter violent extremism. He has provided consultancy and training for government departments, agencies, correctional services and academia internationally, including the Global Center’s Countering Violent Extremism in Prisons program. He has authored various publications, including the Council of Europe’s Handbook for Prison and Probation Services Regarding Radicalization and Violent Extremism. He continues to complete face-to-face assessments and interventions with individuals convicted of terrorist-related offences. He is an associate fellow of the British Psychological Society, a chartered scientist, and psychologist member of the Parole Board for England and Wales.

Michele Cesari is a Senior Fellow for the Global Center. He provides consultancy services to government departments and international and national agencies on strategy design, proposal development, and evaluation of complex programs. With 17 years of international programming and research experience in fragile contexts, including eight years in East Africa, he has designed, managed, and evaluated projects and research initiatives investigating the modus operandi of al-Shabaab and other Islamist militant organizations and their impact on stability, as well as programs engaging multiple armed groups and private sector investment streams. Published in several books and journals, he has an LLB and LLM from Università degli Studi di Urbino ‘Carlo Bo,’ is completing an MBA at Heriot-Watt University, and is a Certified Sustainability Practitioner.